Subscription Terms and Conditions:
Note that you will only download the User Guide after payment. The Version 3.1 Auto Trader studies and Chartbooks will be automatically downloaded from Sierra Chart within 48 hours of payment. This feature requires your Sierra Account Name be entered on the checkout page. You can find your Sierra Account Name in the Help>About window in the Sierra/AT platform. Upon completion of your subscription setup at, you will receive an email stating your order is complete, and then you will need to stop and restart any instance of Sierra that is running to receive the download.
The Auto Trade Studies will automatically update when new features or bug fixes are released. Licensed users will receive notification of a new release, and at that time you will need to stop and restart the Sierra/AT platform to automatically download the new files(s). Normally the DLL files will be updated, however, if a change is needed in the chartbook, you will be advised to save a copy of the file in the event you made changes. The Chartbooks will only be updated if you delete or rename your copy, so you may make changes and save it with a different name before deleting the file without it getting overwritten. Updates will be installed upon stopping and restarting the Sierra/AT platform.
All new subscriptions require a $9.99 setup fee to configure your Sierra account for automatic download.
Your first subscription payment will be billed immediately upon submitting your order. All subscriptions automatically renew, you may cancel at any time and continue to use the custom study through the current period (month, quarter, or year as appropriate).
Active subscribers will be eligible to apply their subscription payments for a specific product towards a lifetime license if and when the lifetime license is made available.