Need help with Sierra Chart?
We offer one-on-one remote Training, Setup, and Support. With remote access, with you on the phone, you and I can see your screen and work on getting your problems solved.
We use screen-sharing software (e.g. Zoom) to remotely access your system. Video cameras are not required, and if you don’t have a microphone and speakers, we can use the telephone for audio.
Training: From new users to experienced ones who could use a hand, there is a good chance it can be taught. Sierra Chart is all we do, so we have extensive experience with its deep set of features. We assess your level of understanding, work with you on what you would like to learn, and give you professional instruction.
Setup: Just want to make sure you get it done right the first time? Or did you have a problem and want to start over without losing any previous work you did? If you purchased a custom study from us we can help you get it going and ensure it is operating correctly.
Support: If you are having technical problems with our studies or Sierra Chart in general, I can help you resolve them. I mostly support my products, as most users try to use the Sierra Chart support forum for free support for other issues. Of course, there may be account problems that only Sierra Chart or your broker can resolve.
Brad Houser is our main instructor. He has had a career in Silicon Valley in High Tech. He is an experienced engineer, trader, teacher, and IT manager. He has a BSE in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering from Princeton, and an MBA focusing on Quantitative Methods from the University of Santa Clara School of Business..