The TWCONFIG file W3 x3 is setup to run 3 contracts. This is how it was created:
1. Start with no targets or stops.
2. Add 3 targets, and 3 stops
3. Target 1: 10t
4. Target 2: 20t
5. Target 3: 100t
6. Stops 1,2, and 3: 15 t
7. Select Stop 1, and make sure it is OCO Group 1, qty 1, its type is Stop:Stop, and Move to break even Step 1 is None, and Step 2 is None
8. Select Stop 2, and make sure it is OCO Group 2, qty 1, its type is Stop:Stop, and Move to break even Step 1 is OCO Group Trigger, BE Level Offset -7, Trigger OCO Group=1, and Step 2 is None
9. Select Stop 3, and make sure it is OCO Group 3, qty 1, its type is Stop:Stop, and Move to break even Step 1 is OCO Group Trigger, BE Level Offset -7, Trigger OCO Group=1. and Step 2 is OCO Group Trigger, BE Level Offset is 0 and Trigger OCO group is 2.
Click on C, then Menu, then Save Configuration.